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The driving force behind Diabetic Vegan: 2020

Well, first of all, this website is not intended to be used as rules, regulations, or expert advice.  We are not physicians nor do we hold any formal education in dietary guidelines.  Be sure to check with your doctor prior to making any type of major life changes.

That being said, we have done a great deal of self-education, research, and above all, trial-and-error.  What you find here is the journey we have undertaken.  It is our hope that, as it unfolds, the website will grow and evolve in a way that will be meaningful and help to inspire, or even serve as a warning in some cases, to others.  Our hope is that like-minded individuals will engage with us, debate, laugh, grow, and share.

Diabetic Vegan began because I was finding it difficult to locate anyone in the midst of the transition.  I couldn’t find anyone that was recording the journey.  There were a great many stories, documentaries, articles, and research papers about how this lifestyle would get rid of disease, including diabetes and high blood pressure.  But I just couldn’t find anything that really answered the questions I had and tracked what it was really like to live with it.  What were the pitfalls?  Why wasn’t my blood sugar responding the way all the people’s in the studies were?  How come my cholesterol went up instead of down?  I knew, because of the science, this was the healthiest way I could live.  I just didn’t see much in the way of a community that had “been there,” with this lifestyle.  I love to cook.  I love to help others.  I love to write.  This seemed to be a great fit.  So, we decided to create one.  It is a labor of love.

What will you find here?

As stated above, the site will evolve and grow with us.  For now, you’ll find articles about how we got started, some successes and failures, and recipes.  As time moves along and we find things that work and that we like, we certainly intend to share those with you, along with those that don’t. 

It is never our intent to say that because something worked for us, it will definitely work for others.  We just want to share ideas and hope that you will share yours with us.  In this manner, our goal is to build a resource and haven for those who, like us, are finding their way through the transition from unhealthy to healthy.  Whether a vegan or not, we hope you will find the information here useful and the stories uplifting.

Be sure to check back often.  We’ll be posting things regularly.  And, depending on receptivity, we may even do a weekly digest email!  Keep an eye out for that coming soon.

What exactly is your dietary lifestyle?

We are (WFPB) whole foods, plant-based, vegans.  In another article I will go into the difference between a WFPB diet and veganism; as well as why we chose WFPB.  Meanwhile, it is possible to be vegan and not be whole food based.  Also, it is possible to be plant-based and not be entirely vegan.  Thus, we strive to eat WFPB Vegan.  Additionally, we try to stay 90% oil and added sugar free.  Yes, we do use natural fruits and the like as sweeteners.  Yes, we do, on occasion, use plant oils.

What’s your take?

What do you say?  What type of content are you looking for?  What would you like to see?  Let us know and we’ll do our best to get it included.  If it is something requiring research, we’ll happily provide the sources, as we do on all the articles that are produced via researched information.  If it is a personal question with anecdotal evidence we’ll do our best to answer those while preserving privacy and decorum.

Take a vote:

Would you be interested in receiving a weekly digest from us?  When we get to 100 emails, we’ll send out the first one.  This digest will, as a general rule, include a sneak peek recipe, some fun facts, and a variety of subjects.  Your inbox will not be packed to the gills with unwanted emails from us.  While resources will definitely be included, these digests are not intended to be sales oriented in any way. 

Click here to cast your vote! We look forward to hearing your ideas.